For several months I have been seeing the search term "folk art cat quilt" showing up in my stats for my Etsy shop. I get a lot of views from it because I have several other items which have a print of folk art cats. So the other day after I finished a table runner, I was sitting trying to figure what project I wanted to start next and I saw the printed panel I have been using for the other items and inspiration hit. I decided to make a lap quilt using the print motifs from the panel. I cut them out and arranged them the way I wanted on my wall and started measuring and cutting a maroon print to set them in. There was a LOT of measuring because they are 3 different sizes. I finally got everything measured and started sewing them together.
Once the center was together, it was time to add the borders. I started with a gold print for the inner border then played with fabric to see what would look best for the outer border. I tried both a dark teal and a brown fabric since both colors were the prints. I decided on the brown fabric because it seemed to tie it together more.
So tonight I will be finishing up the the borders and then off to find the perfect fabric for the backing. If all goes well, I will have this finished and available for purchase in my shop soon.
Love these cats!